Our time has been mainly consumed with visiting our brothers and sisters in Christ who are at the rehabilitation centers that the church is connected with. There is so much joy in being with them.
Brother Michael reminded us at one center about a story that Jesus told. There were two men, one with a small debt, and one with an enormous debt. But they are both forgiven. Which of the two men will be more grateful? The man who was forgiven the larger debt. So these men are full of humble thanksgiving and praise.
Besides visiting the rehab centers, we have twice visited the same park where many people gather to play soccer, and many children gather to play. Several of the young children recognized us and we recognized them from our trip here in May. It has been a delight to play with them once more.
Aaron was also reconnected with a friend from a small town that Psalm 67 last visited in 2010. It is amazing to see God's hand at work!
Please pray for the church we are partnering with. They are small and have grown little in the three years we have visited, yet they are passionate and persistent, unwavering and zealous. There are many broken families and health problems that they are facing. Please pray that they may be strengthened and encouraged and that we will be an utmost blessing to them.
Also pray for us as we battle fatigue. Especially pray for our Sister Barbara. She is 68 and yet comes often and walks unpaved streets without complaint. She serves first, rests later, and has a heart overflowing with love. She is our prayer warrior! Please pray as the recent activities and also the food have made her feel considerably ill.
Today we will be visiting more rehab centers. Then for New Years Eve we will be going to a popular square that hosts many activities and we will be giving the gospel as we are able. Please pray that God may give us the words to speak at the right time.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Mexico Trip Christmas Break 2014--2015, Day 3
Our schedule so far has been to pray together (the team and the church or whoever is awake) at 7:00am and then eat breakfast at 7:30am.
This morning we loaded donations including clothes, toys, and crafts into the big white van and set off for the Salvation Army children's home. We sang songs with the kids, and then Michael told the story of Joseph.
After we visited there and played soccer and ultimate chair, we left for a rehab center.
When we first visited this particular rehab center in May of this year, the atmosphere was very dark, and control was rigid and extremely strict. Residents stay for nine months and during the first three months they are not allowed to talk to anyone. For food, they take leftover food from food carts and put it together and that is what they eat every day.
Today after our visit an employee thanked Aaron and the pastor of the church. He told them that the residents have mental health groups every day and it doesn't help. What helps is the church coming with the Bible.
Tonight our team will be heading to a large park to play soccer and share the gospel.
The weather is very cold! So we don't know just what kind of turn out we will have.
Please pray for us as we battle fatigue and and the weather to proclaim the gospel.
This morning we loaded donations including clothes, toys, and crafts into the big white van and set off for the Salvation Army children's home. We sang songs with the kids, and then Michael told the story of Joseph.
After we visited there and played soccer and ultimate chair, we left for a rehab center.
When we first visited this particular rehab center in May of this year, the atmosphere was very dark, and control was rigid and extremely strict. Residents stay for nine months and during the first three months they are not allowed to talk to anyone. For food, they take leftover food from food carts and put it together and that is what they eat every day.
Today after our visit an employee thanked Aaron and the pastor of the church. He told them that the residents have mental health groups every day and it doesn't help. What helps is the church coming with the Bible.
Tonight our team will be heading to a large park to play soccer and share the gospel.
The weather is very cold! So we don't know just what kind of turn out we will have.
Please pray for us as we battle fatigue and and the weather to proclaim the gospel.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Mexico trip Christmas Break 2014--2015 Day 2, Savannah Weber
Hi, this is Savannah Weber, the Office Leader for Psalm 67. So far we've had a safe and blessed trip! We entered Mexico yesterday evening and were greeted with smiles, hugs, and food from our hermanos y hermanas. It was a laid-back evening catching up with old friends.
This morning we started off with a wonderful team prayer time. Words cannot describe the blessing of hearing your Mexican brothers and sisters calling out to your father in their own language. It's an amazing reminder of the greatness of our God.
Despite the cold and rainy weather, we had a lovely church service with many brothers and sisters from the church. Barbara, Ellie, Gennie, Ismael, and I led a short Sunday school lesson on Noah's ark. We collaborated with the children to make a giant ark and sang "Padre Abraham". We ended the service by welcoming a new family into the church. It was a joy to share the precious moment of receiving new lives into the church family.
Our plans for the day are primarily preparing for the busy week ahead. Prayers are appreciated as we seek to serve the Lord to the fullest. Due to the rainy weather, our VBS has been cancelled, however, this has made room for other ministry opportunities.
Tomorrow, Lord willing, we will be visiting a Salvation Army orphanage. There we plan on handing out small gifts from friends in the US. We pray that we will be able to bring Christ's love to these precious children.
I want to share an encouraging verse I read today:
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11)
As we continue to pray for good things (God's glory in our ministry, boldness to proclaim His gospel, salvation of souls) let us be encouraged that He is pleased to hear and answer our prayers!
Thanks for your prayers and support! It is a huge encouragement to know that we have prayer support back home!
-Savannah W.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Mexico, Christmas Break 2014-2015, Day 1
Yesterday our team headed down to Mexico. We have about 95% of our support raised. Our team consists of Aaron Sutton, Russ Sanders, Michael Pfleegor, Parker Pfleegor, Savannah Weber, Barbara Fudge, Gennie Jackson, and Ellie Jackson.
We will be entering Mexico late afternoon today and staying there until January 3rd when we head back.
On the way down we have faced some difficulty, such as locking 8+ keys in the running van, and later getting rear-ended at a gas station, but God is very obviously protecting us and has kept us all safe.
Short note from Ellie: During my Bible reading today I read 1st Corinthians 1-2. How appropriate it is! Paul repeats over and over how God is not looking for our wisdom or our strength. And thank God, because my wisdom and strength have certainly been lacking this trip. Crabby is the word!
Paul also reminds us (again and again) that eloquence and clever speech will not win souls for the Kingdom of God. He is not looking for our beautiful words or our convincing debate. He is looking for humility that will rely on Him for our words and our strength. Again, thank God, because up until now, I've been clueless, feeling unprepared, and unsure of just how to help. I find it greatly relieving to be able to rely on God and trust His grace for my every need.
Please continue to pray for our safety as we enter Mexico and that we will be sensitive to the Spirit's leading in our serving and ministry.
We will be entering Mexico late afternoon today and staying there until January 3rd when we head back.
On the way down we have faced some difficulty, such as locking 8+ keys in the running van, and later getting rear-ended at a gas station, but God is very obviously protecting us and has kept us all safe.
Short note from Ellie: During my Bible reading today I read 1st Corinthians 1-2. How appropriate it is! Paul repeats over and over how God is not looking for our wisdom or our strength. And thank God, because my wisdom and strength have certainly been lacking this trip. Crabby is the word!
Paul also reminds us (again and again) that eloquence and clever speech will not win souls for the Kingdom of God. He is not looking for our beautiful words or our convincing debate. He is looking for humility that will rely on Him for our words and our strength. Again, thank God, because up until now, I've been clueless, feeling unprepared, and unsure of just how to help. I find it greatly relieving to be able to rely on God and trust His grace for my every need.
Please continue to pray for our safety as we enter Mexico and that we will be sensitive to the Spirit's leading in our serving and ministry.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Texas and Mexico, July/August 2014, Jeremy Griesse

In the eyes of
just four of us who went, this 10-day trip was a small, shiny diamond
fashioned by God's provision, testimonies, and encouragement.
Aaron drove like a
hoss for the whole trip a van with working AC (most of the time), as
Savannah, Gennie and I rode along. The joyful, peaceful time with my
brother and sisters in Christ on the way down made the 15.5 hr trip
from Springfield to South TX go by fast--maybe not to Aaron, who
respectively had to be awake this whole time.
This small team
watched intently at how God displayed His endeavors being
accomplished in His church in the three areas we visited through joy,
hurt, discipline, repentance, labor, trust, patience, perseverance,
prayer, wisdom, generosity, and grace.
As we met with
familiar, friendly Hispanic believers, some conversations involved
laughing and relaxing. Some were in awe and reverence at His amazing
work of redemption through His Son. Sometimes we had to knuckle down
and get to work in moving and documenting supplies or preparing
resources for a VBS. Other times involved goofing off, playing soccer
on a basketball court, singing Feliz Navidad in August, and cooling
off with popsicles and ice cream. All of these times were together
just a sliver of God's smiling face, a mere ten days of joy that felt
like a minute.
The kindness and
generosity seen in the both the Hispanic/Caucasian congregation of
Trinity Baptist Church near South TX and Hispanic co-laborers in the
Rio Grande Valley area was alone worth the trip.
We studied some
encouraging key truths in Daniel with the brothers and sisters at
Trinity, and enjoyed their openness and immediate friendship as we
shared a couple Sunday meals.
In the Valley, we
met with brothers and sisters from a past church that Psalm 67 worked
closely with. Lotta testimonies, lotta joy, lotta food. The
Francisco's, namely, lavished us with stories of God's faithfulness
and redemptive power in their family, as well as a barbecue feast. I
have boasted to her and others for her grilled chicken, saying I
would pay $20 for just one piece at a restaurant if I knew it was
that good. (I'm not exaggerating, she knows how to do it!)
While in Mexico, I
was envious of the time Psalm 67 has previously spent with the
congregation in Mexico. Seeing Pastor Candido, Sara, Damaris, Ely,
Gil, Abdiel and others in different means of servitude and fellowship
was both refreshing and made me want to be with them more.
They helped
Savannah and Gennie conduct and prepare a last-minute VBS inviting
spirited, lively kids to take part in learning about Christ's reign
over the earth.
My role in the VBS
was to provide guitar background as beautiful, rambunctious kids
learned different worship songs. I'm grateful that I can't feel my
left fingers as I'm typing since we played so many pretty Spanish
praise songs.
I also have much
gratitude for Sara's patience as we struggled to communicate in alien
languages which songs to sing! It was encouraging to witness these
"teologitos" (Aaron's term for little theologians) answer
tough, but elemental questions about what they had learned in God's
Word, as well as key verses they memorized.
A portion of our
p.m. time in Mexico, we visited a couple rehab centers inhabiting
men, young and old, who have literally been plucked out of their
wretched addictions, yet more proof of God's redemptive power. Though
these places seem dismal at first glance, the simplicity of their
eager welcome and intentional listening has made these groups of men
a dear favorite of Psalm 67 and Pastor Candido's church to minister
to. One center takes their liberty in Christ very seriously as they
dance, sing, jump, and shout in joyful response to their Lord's work
in their lives. Not trying to step on anyone's toes here (no pun
intended), but we would do the same if we truly knew our redeemed
state from distant rebellion to God's loving arms, no?
It was painful to
come back, especially since I spent such a concentrated amount of
time with my brothers and sisters in Christ, something my soul hasn't
been quite used to, unfortunately. But it seemed like God planted a
fitly longing for fellowship with Him, as if these ten days were just
pictures of the extravagant feast to those who have believed in the
ransoming Lamb will be invited.
Praise God for His
mercy and grace and may we compel others to partake in His sacrifice!
Romans 5:6-8
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Making Missions Part of Family Devotions
There are a lot of ways that you can do this, but here are some thoughts about how you can incorporate the urgency of sending the Gospel as you meet together with your family. Here are some practical thoughts that might help you along your journey. This is not intended to be exhaustive and I'm sure there are even better thoughts out there, these are just some quick points that might be helpful to some.
Where do we start? - It might be helpful to identify either a missionary (or family) or a location with whom you (and your family) have some sort of personal connection. Does your family speak another language other than English? If so an area where this language is spoken is a nice choice. Do you have a favorite cuisine that is "other than American?" Do you have a desire to learn another language or culture? Does your child have a neighborhood friend who speaks a different language at home? Any of these can be clues that can help you settle on a focus area. Perhaps you are really burdened for the United States and the missionaries working in the USA. Organizations like the North American Mission Board are doing great work, they have prayer resources available.
Once you have selected an area or missionary, then what? - As a family pray for the area and ask The Lord to give you a heart for the people and the work. Contact those who are working and let them know that you are praying. Place reminders on the fridge, reminders in your phone, etc. Take collections as a family and include your children in making decisions about support "special needs" that are available. Don't do this without them! This is the best time to begin teaching them discernment and how to follow up on these matters. Some of those special needs might be to help someone who is working in this area or those who might be going short-term.
Praying for work happening away from home has at-home benefits. - Don't forget that as you are praying for and learning about different cultures this will give you excellent opportunities to share with others back home. So you are burdened for China? Share this burden with those at the local Chinese restaurant. Let them see the love and concern that you have for the true Gospel to be proclaimed in their home land. Pray that God will give you open doors to share the Gospel with them. There are also opportunities for you to then advocate for more missions support and awareness in your small group, Sunday School class, and congregation.
May God be glorified among the nations!
Where do we start? - It might be helpful to identify either a missionary (or family) or a location with whom you (and your family) have some sort of personal connection. Does your family speak another language other than English? If so an area where this language is spoken is a nice choice. Do you have a favorite cuisine that is "other than American?" Do you have a desire to learn another language or culture? Does your child have a neighborhood friend who speaks a different language at home? Any of these can be clues that can help you settle on a focus area. Perhaps you are really burdened for the United States and the missionaries working in the USA. Organizations like the North American Mission Board are doing great work, they have prayer resources available.
Once you have selected an area or missionary, then what? - As a family pray for the area and ask The Lord to give you a heart for the people and the work. Contact those who are working and let them know that you are praying. Place reminders on the fridge, reminders in your phone, etc. Take collections as a family and include your children in making decisions about support "special needs" that are available. Don't do this without them! This is the best time to begin teaching them discernment and how to follow up on these matters. Some of those special needs might be to help someone who is working in this area or those who might be going short-term.
Praying for work happening away from home has at-home benefits. - Don't forget that as you are praying for and learning about different cultures this will give you excellent opportunities to share with others back home. So you are burdened for China? Share this burden with those at the local Chinese restaurant. Let them see the love and concern that you have for the true Gospel to be proclaimed in their home land. Pray that God will give you open doors to share the Gospel with them. There are also opportunities for you to then advocate for more missions support and awareness in your small group, Sunday School class, and congregation.
May God be glorified among the nations!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Thank you to those who gave
The mission team who served in Mexico this May conducted many different outreach efforts alongside our partner congregation. Under the leadership of Pastor Candido the community was blessed by free medical services and free haircuts one day. However, due to the overwhelming amount of support poured out for this effort we were able to have supplies sufficient enough to continue ministering through medical services at all of the locations we visited. We cannot thank you enough for everyone's prayer and financial support.
Would you join us in prayer for future work? Pastor Candido has mentioned that he and the congregation are specifically burdened to reach their entire community for Christ. Specifically they believe The Lord would have them begin a new work (church plant possibly) in one of the first areas our team visited. Second, they would like to consider ongoing ministry in one of the drug/alcohol rehab facilities that was new to him as well as to our team. This facility is not "faith based" but they welcomed us in with open arms and invited the congregation to lead ongoing Bible studies, etc. Would you join us in prayer that The Lord would give direction, discernment, wisdom as to how to proceed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Reality Check, by Savannah Weber
This past May I was
given the blessing to once again serve in Tamaulipas, Mexico with
Psalm 67 Missions Network. It’s always an amazing time of
connecting with other believers as we partner together to share the
This trip was a true reality-check for
me. The Lord once again revealed how big, powerful, and active He is.
As we entered Tamaulipas I was once more overcome by the love of our
Mexican brothers and sisters. Indeed, it felt as if I had never left
their company, although we had been apart for five (agonizingly long)
months. We immediately sprang to work, side-by-side. Out of almost 20
team members, only two are truly bi-lingual, but we always manage to
communicate our love and appreciation for one another.
![]() |
Click photo to see a video of us singing |
As we began our work at the small
church God’s hand was felt everywhere. It was even more evident as
we visited the Christian rehabs. These tiny concrete bunkers were
filled with men completely overcome with love for Christ. The most
overwhelming sense of God’s presence came at one particular rehab.
As we came in they began clearing the floor. One member told us why:
“It’s so they can have room to dance”. And dance they did! For
close to 20 minutes these men, formerly wasted on drugs and alcohol,
danced their hearts out to Christ. No shame. No embarrassment. No
holding back. Just 100% praising Christ. A line from one of the dance
songs sent chills up my spine. The line was “Yo soy libre” which
means “I am forever free”. I shall never forget the presence of
God’s spirit in that moment.
God isn’t just working in the
churches and rehabs of Tamaulipas. He’s working powerfully in the
streets as well. We were able to assist in some of this work through
the hands of Pastor Candido. His has such a passion for the lost of
his city. Each night he loaded our team up and drove us to a park
where we spent almost five hours directing a soccer tournament, which
served as a platform for sharing the Gospel. Watching him at work is
an amazing blessing. He never stops. He (almost) never gets tired. He
has a passion for God’s glory that keeps him moving. He will not
rest until everyone in Tamaulipas has heard of Christ. He puts me to
shame. How might I see God work in my community if I gave even a
fraction of the energy Pastor Candido exerts for his?
Yes, God is much bigger and working in
much greater ways than our American worlds can see. It’s always a
blessing and a shock to once again realize the simple truth that God
is HUGE! He is working in Mexico, brothers. Will you join me in
praying for our family who is laboring there? Will you join me in
following their example and stepping out into our own communities?
You don’t have to travel far to find chances to serve or to see God
at work. He has called us all to leave everything and follow Him. For
me it’s been Mexico. For Pastor Candido it’s his own city. What
is it for you? Where is God calling you to serve Him?
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Mexico, May 2014, Soccer
Most mornings in Mexico we visited drug
and alcohol rehab centers. In the afternoons we
visited parks.

You couldn't do it in America, but in
Mexico we went around to announce a soccer
tournament, and each
evening a crowd turned up.

We went to several different fields of
grass, concrete, and dust, sometimes chalking lines
for boundaries
and sometimes dragging a stick.

While the men headed up the soccer
games, the ladies played with the children and shared
Bible stories.
We drew on their faces, turned cartwheels, played hillbilly golf, and

Several of the women, me included, were much impressed and
moved by the great need that
the children showed for love and
affection. They flocked to us and hung on us, sometimes
hanging on
to our t-shirts as we walked. Wherever we went, they came like

though we couldn't communicate very well, we had fun.
Several of the women shared Bible
stories with the kids and I
(Ellie) gave my testimony to a group of wide-eyed children. If I can
give some personal details, I had a captive audience as they heard
how I had been rebellious to
my parents and hateful toward God. But
now they could obvious see that I am happy because I
have given up
sin, and I gave the gospel as clearly as I could. I also noticed
while I talked
through the translator that a man was standing nearby
and listening carefully. May God bless

During one soccer tournament a group of
young men were dancing to the Virgin Mary. It
was heartbreaking to
see. Not only is it hard to see worship to a false god when our God
is so
worthy of all the praise, but I saw young men who depended on
this dancing for their salvation.
They were very coordinated and
disciplined. They danced hard and intensely. And they danced
quite some time.
Interestingly enough, we visited a
rehab center later that week where they danced before
The Lord. They
played music and jumped and clapped for joy. Immediately I compared
it to the
dancing in the park. In the park they had each moved in
time, the steps perfectly memorized,
but at this rehab center the
dancing was more spontaneous than anything. And what stood out
to me
most was the joy of the men at the rehab center. Tremendous joy and
thanksgiving, not
working to get God's favor, but rejoicing to have
it. And most importantly, this dancing was in
honor of the One True
I know we don't dance as a regular part
of our worship service in America -- but maybe we
Back to the soccer games, at each
soccer tournament the men took time to gather the
young men around
and challenge them with the gospel. There was no strategy to make an
emotional experience. There was no aim to record great numbers. It
was the straightforward
simple gospel, and then we challenged the
men to commit their lives to Christ.

The last soccer tournament we held,
Wednesday night, the bleachers were filled with
young men spoking
pot. No attempt to hide it, no nervousness or shyness, just out there
in the
open together. During the break, Russ humbly and seriously
addressed them about it, and
though some were high and laughing,
others listened seriously. Please pray for those young
men, that
these words will have a lasting impression on them.
At the
tournaments we gave out tracks and booklets and Bibles, and the
children eagerly
received them and promised to read them.
So for all of the soccer players,
spectators, children, parents, and teeter-totter partners,
pray for their salvation. Pray that God may change the hearts of the
people to Him and
that the work that we have done will not be in
vain. Please pray that the words we have said will
not fade into the
darkness but be a light to destroy it.

All photos taken by Billy and Sarah Jackson
Friday, May 30, 2014
Mexico, May 30 2014
The trip has flown by, but lasting impressions have been made.
Monday morning the team visited our first rehab center. Pastor Candido has been faithfully active in ministering to these men and teaching them to play instruments and several of them performed for us. How incredible! That men who once were addicted to drugs are now singing God's praise!

We had a time of testimony and several of the men there shared their stories of how they had been at the bottom of the bottom and God had rescued them.
As they shared and as we sang together, it was rather amazing how our hearts and spirits connected in beautiful oneness. Truly we have brothers and sisters we never knew about! God works in mysterious ways, and often, we will never hear of all He has done.

As Stephanie Weber shared, in the song Santo, Santo, Santo or in English Holy, Holy, Holy we sing about being around the throne. Singing that with the Mexicans is a special blessing. It's a small taste of heaven, where every tribe and tongue and nation will gather around to praise our God.

At each rehab center we visited we left a bookshelf and a few books. As we are able to visit again in the future, we will add to the library a few books at a time.
Thursday we were able to visit the first rehab center again. We gathered in a large circle to sing hymns together, and again we had a time of testimony.
Then we played games together. Indeed, this if family!!!! The games were great fun, and if I may say here, I (Ellie) won the Ultimate Trashcan game.
What I would really like to impress on you, is that you have brothers and sisters in Christ in Mexico. We heard stories about destroyed marriages, destroyed families, living in abandoned houses, young teenagers on drugs, and lives ruined by addiction. Rehab center after rehab center, relapse after relapse, until God saves them and changes their lives. Through Christ we are overcomers. While the world says, "once an addict, always an addict" the Bible says, "the truth will set you free." Many of these men want to be pastors and help people who are in the same situation they were in. And most of the directors of the rehab centers were once addicts themselves.

Please remember your family in Mexico and in other parts of the world.
America is so small and contained as far as we see it, but God is so big and beyond all that we imagine. And He is working in Mexico, among the men who had no hope before Jesus. Pray for these men, pray for their growth, and pray for the lost.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday morning the team visited our first rehab center. Pastor Candido has been faithfully active in ministering to these men and teaching them to play instruments and several of them performed for us. How incredible! That men who once were addicted to drugs are now singing God's praise!
We had a time of testimony and several of the men there shared their stories of how they had been at the bottom of the bottom and God had rescued them.
As they shared and as we sang together, it was rather amazing how our hearts and spirits connected in beautiful oneness. Truly we have brothers and sisters we never knew about! God works in mysterious ways, and often, we will never hear of all He has done.
As Stephanie Weber shared, in the song Santo, Santo, Santo or in English Holy, Holy, Holy we sing about being around the throne. Singing that with the Mexicans is a special blessing. It's a small taste of heaven, where every tribe and tongue and nation will gather around to praise our God.
At each rehab center we visited we left a bookshelf and a few books. As we are able to visit again in the future, we will add to the library a few books at a time.
Thursday we were able to visit the first rehab center again. We gathered in a large circle to sing hymns together, and again we had a time of testimony.
Then we played games together. Indeed, this if family!!!! The games were great fun, and if I may say here, I (Ellie) won the Ultimate Trashcan game.
What I would really like to impress on you, is that you have brothers and sisters in Christ in Mexico. We heard stories about destroyed marriages, destroyed families, living in abandoned houses, young teenagers on drugs, and lives ruined by addiction. Rehab center after rehab center, relapse after relapse, until God saves them and changes their lives. Through Christ we are overcomers. While the world says, "once an addict, always an addict" the Bible says, "the truth will set you free." Many of these men want to be pastors and help people who are in the same situation they were in. And most of the directors of the rehab centers were once addicts themselves.
Please remember your family in Mexico and in other parts of the world.
America is so small and contained as far as we see it, but God is so big and beyond all that we imagine. And He is working in Mexico, among the men who had no hope before Jesus. Pray for these men, pray for their growth, and pray for the lost.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Mexico, May 25th 2014
I have been asked to document this trip to Mexico. Here is what I have journaled so far, and what has impacted me.
If I left Mexico right now I would already be full of God's goodness and have so much to tell.
Our journey down was truly blessed. Though the forecast showed storms on both sides of our route, our path was all clear blue skies.
Friday morning we stopped by an indigenous coffee shop and when we talked with the owners we discovered that they were Christians! We prayed with them and they gave us a few Spanish/English Bibles to take with us. We were both very blessed, and these are just a couple of the blessing from the road trip. The fellowship and singing were very great and encouraging.
Friday afternoon we arrived at the church and had a family reunion. The hardest part of documenting this trip is trying to describe the atmosphere. Unless you have been here, it's hard to understand that this is home away from home. People whom I can barely communicate with are truly my family in Christ. Even though I can't understand Spanish, we greeted each other with hugs and kisses and large smiles, which are universally understood. We love each other because Christ loves us.
After we arrived and unpacked, some folks went shopping and the rest walked through town and invited people to the Medical Clinic, which we ran Saturday.
My favorite memory of Friday was as I was walking, preparing my sparse Spanish for my next encounter, I saw a face light up. A couple moments later and my little amiga was hugging me around the waist. I was so pleased that she remembered me! Not only remembered me, but remembered me enough to run up and give me a hug. It made my day!
Saturday we got up early and after a great time of devotion we set up the Medical Clinic.
We must have been good at inviting people, though I wouldn't have guessed it while handing out the flyers.
While people waited in line to see "Dr. Stephanie," I invited the kids to get their face painted and color fuzzy posters. We also played with water balloons, and just water in general. All morning I ran back and forth. (It was hard not to, I have having so much fun.) Draw on this kid, hug this one, ask for this name, throw a balloon at this one, play hide and seek with this one, play volleyball with this one, and from several I learned the words for "up" "down" "here" "there" and of course my colors. It was a good day!
Somehow these kids got me to kneel so they could take turns popping water balloons over my head. Then they wanted me to lie down and literally pinned me there. I had to wrestle my way out and then run around the field to get away.
After lunch, where I learned the Spanish word for "potato" "meat" and "rice" we went to the green area to play soccer. A crowd of young men were already gathered around and warming up for the big tournament. Not only are these guys super athletic and fast, they would sacrifice their neck to get the ball. So with some fast moving Mexicans and some Gringos thrown in, we had a good time. I didn't sit and watch the whole time, I played a miniature game with the younger kids and a couple older ones who joined in.
We also gathered the kids around in a circle and Sarah told the story of the Prodigal Son and Ismael translated.
Before the very last game of the tournament, we fathered the young people around and gave them the gospel and prayed over them. Then after the last game, we awarded prizes to the winning teams.
I am constantly convicted by the people I am working with. They serve without complaining and volunteer without being asked. They take the initiative to say hello, and they love without condition.
Like I said at the beginning, I have been so blessed through it all, and I can't wait for more. I think my eyes glow when I think about the rest of the week.
And if I keep learning Spanish this quickly, I'll be Mexican in no time!
Signing off from Tamalipas Mexico,
If I left Mexico right now I would already be full of God's goodness and have so much to tell.
Our journey down was truly blessed. Though the forecast showed storms on both sides of our route, our path was all clear blue skies.
Friday morning we stopped by an indigenous coffee shop and when we talked with the owners we discovered that they were Christians! We prayed with them and they gave us a few Spanish/English Bibles to take with us. We were both very blessed, and these are just a couple of the blessing from the road trip. The fellowship and singing were very great and encouraging.
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With Linda and Carl, who own a used book store and coffee shop |
Friday afternoon we arrived at the church and had a family reunion. The hardest part of documenting this trip is trying to describe the atmosphere. Unless you have been here, it's hard to understand that this is home away from home. People whom I can barely communicate with are truly my family in Christ. Even though I can't understand Spanish, we greeted each other with hugs and kisses and large smiles, which are universally understood. We love each other because Christ loves us.
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Ismael and Mark, good to be back |
After we arrived and unpacked, some folks went shopping and the rest walked through town and invited people to the Medical Clinic, which we ran Saturday.
My favorite memory of Friday was as I was walking, preparing my sparse Spanish for my next encounter, I saw a face light up. A couple moments later and my little amiga was hugging me around the waist. I was so pleased that she remembered me! Not only remembered me, but remembered me enough to run up and give me a hug. It made my day!
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Berta and Angie, two of my good friends |
Saturday we got up early and after a great time of devotion we set up the Medical Clinic.
We must have been good at inviting people, though I wouldn't have guessed it while handing out the flyers.
While people waited in line to see "Dr. Stephanie," I invited the kids to get their face painted and color fuzzy posters. We also played with water balloons, and just water in general. All morning I ran back and forth. (It was hard not to, I have having so much fun.) Draw on this kid, hug this one, ask for this name, throw a balloon at this one, play hide and seek with this one, play volleyball with this one, and from several I learned the words for "up" "down" "here" "there" and of course my colors. It was a good day!
Somehow these kids got me to kneel so they could take turns popping water balloons over my head. Then they wanted me to lie down and literally pinned me there. I had to wrestle my way out and then run around the field to get away.
After lunch, where I learned the Spanish word for "potato" "meat" and "rice" we went to the green area to play soccer. A crowd of young men were already gathered around and warming up for the big tournament. Not only are these guys super athletic and fast, they would sacrifice their neck to get the ball. So with some fast moving Mexicans and some Gringos thrown in, we had a good time. I didn't sit and watch the whole time, I played a miniature game with the younger kids and a couple older ones who joined in.
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John helps us teach young people, and he played some good soccer |
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Gringo "Shaggy" the Ninja goalie |
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Russo |
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Mark, the other Ninja goalie |
We also gathered the kids around in a circle and Sarah told the story of the Prodigal Son and Ismael translated.
Before the very last game of the tournament, we fathered the young people around and gave them the gospel and prayed over them. Then after the last game, we awarded prizes to the winning teams.
I am constantly convicted by the people I am working with. They serve without complaining and volunteer without being asked. They take the initiative to say hello, and they love without condition.
Like I said at the beginning, I have been so blessed through it all, and I can't wait for more. I think my eyes glow when I think about the rest of the week.
And if I keep learning Spanish this quickly, I'll be Mexican in no time!
Signing off from Tamalipas Mexico,
Sunday, May 11, 2014
New Work in Mexico
A little bit less than two weeks before our May Mission team will head out to partner with the body of Christ in Mexico. We have talked about support for the theological libraries that we hope to establish in various locations. We have discussed the medical clinic but we haven't talked a lot about some "new work" that we hope to see.
Pastor Candido has asked us to pray because our schedule is going to be packed (like normal). Of course we will have the regular team meetings with lessons, devotions, praying, singing, sharing meals together. In the mornings following or morning meeting we will set out for visiting a different "rehabilitation facility" each day. Following lunch each day our team will be assisting the congregation in "sowing seed" in "areas verdes" or "green areas", meaning areas where the is not a current evangelical work.
Pray for our team as we will be working with the Pastors and the congregation to preach in public as The Lord allows, engage the people in Bible study, and form relationships that we hope will allow the congregation to continue work in the future and see a church planted.
Thank you for praying. Our team would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of support received in preparation for this mission. Your notes of encouragement, reminders of your prayers for us, and your financial partnership is a blessing to all of us!
Your May Missions Team
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Monday, April 28, 2014
La Biblioteca, Billy and Sarah
Our trip to Matamoros is fast approaching, so it seems good to tell you a little more about it!
While every mission trip is full of more opportunities for ministry and adventure than we even anticipate, the main focus of this trip will be visiting drug and alcohol rehab centers. During the last trip that Psalm 67 made to this area they had several opportunities to visit, and discovered a great hunger for discipleship. Billy and I will have the exciting honor of recording this experience!
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Distributing Bibles, December 2012 |
Each library will cost approximately $130 to build, including bookshelves, which I thought was remarkable! If you would like to be a part of this ministry you can give any amount by clicking HERE. Just specify in the memo that this is for the "May - Theological Library".
If you are unable to give financially, please remember us in your prayers! If we're able to do anything without them, we won't be doing anything of value.
Dios te bendiga!
Billy & Sarah
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
An Exciting Adventure In Sight, Ellie Jackson
I’ve applied and was accepted for another trip to Matamoros Mexico, to the same church I went before—and can you believe it, I’m even more excited this time! (Which says a lot!)
During my first dive into Mexico, I was able to see the depths of potential, but I didn’t reach them. Specifically in two areas:
First, I didn’t volunteer myself like I might have, had I been in my comfort zone. I wasn’t looking for opportunities to step into the awkward to do some good. And I saw opportunities slip by me and I didn’t seize them. I know a second mission trip isn’t going to break me of my comfort-zone-barrier, but I’m going to put forward a better effort.
Second, I came home with the enormous task of “I must write absolutely everything front to back, and right now!” I failed, obviously. Few articles were written about the amazing experience I had and the inspiring people I met. I credit that mainly to the weight I gave myself. The enormity scared me out of it and it never got done for fear of having it done wrong. Later I did write some of it out in my journal so that I would always have it, but it never got out to the church that prayed and supported me through the mission trip. Again, it won’t be perfect this time, but I’m making it a particular goal to write these things out, and to begin while I’m there. During the last mission trip that Psalm 67 Missions Network made I heard many, “It was incredible.”s and “I’ve never seen anything like it.”s, but I didn’t hear a lot about what “it” was. I want to write that for you. I only have my skills, but I’ll stretch me as tight as I know how to document this trip.
Once more, I plead for your prayers. Exiting my comfort zone is not my strength, neither is discipline or patience. But my strength is loving people, and I want to put that into full use on this mission trip, even when loving looks and feels silly.
The trip is between May 22nd and May 31st, and until then I will be raising support, both prayer support, and financial support. I will also be working in improve my Spanish, as hopeless as that seems.
Like I said, I’m incredibly excited. We expect the Lord to do amazing things through this trip.
If you feel led to support me financially, you actually can online now, by going to my profile: https://psalm67.managedmissions.com/mytrip/elliejackson4 But I want your prayers even more than that. Prayers that God will give me a godly attitude and skillful hands.
In Christ's love,
Ellie Jackson
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Team Mexico Update - Theological Library
During our work in December our team visited and shared the Gospel in various locations that were programs for those who have been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. These moments were powerful and brought to our attention some great needs. We asked the directors to list some of their greatest needs and their responses were shocking. We found that there were many that expressed a desire to be discipled, many who professed faith in Christ, and they wanted someone to teach them. Second to that was they desired to have access to resources that would help instruct them in their journey as a believer. Now, some facilities needed clothing for the individuals and some said that food donations would be very helpful but they were clear that their greatest need was discipleship.
Here we are in May. Our team is preparing to work with our partner congregation in Mexico to provide a week of discipleship training and part of what we would like to do is to create a theological library to leave at each of these locations. Even if we could just place a small library in just one, this would be a start. So, we are in the process now of selecting what resources we would like to leave with them, checking their availability, and we would like for you to pray with us. Our hope is to build a bookshelf with the residents and stock the shelves with books that have been helpful for believers for years. Would you pray for us that God would provide and that we would have discernment in selecting these resources?
As a matter of praise...we are delighted to see the growing number of sound theological resources available in the Spanish language. We pray that this number will continue to grow along with the access that others have to these resources!
If you or your congregation would like to contribute to the theological libraries, you may do so by clicking on "Make a one time donation" and specify in the memo "May - Theological Library."
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Here we are in May. Our team is preparing to work with our partner congregation in Mexico to provide a week of discipleship training and part of what we would like to do is to create a theological library to leave at each of these locations. Even if we could just place a small library in just one, this would be a start. So, we are in the process now of selecting what resources we would like to leave with them, checking their availability, and we would like for you to pray with us. Our hope is to build a bookshelf with the residents and stock the shelves with books that have been helpful for believers for years. Would you pray for us that God would provide and that we would have discernment in selecting these resources?
As a matter of praise...we are delighted to see the growing number of sound theological resources available in the Spanish language. We pray that this number will continue to grow along with the access that others have to these resources!
If you or your congregation would like to contribute to the theological libraries, you may do so by clicking on "Make a one time donation" and specify in the memo "May - Theological Library."
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Saturday, March 8, 2014
May Mission Team Updates
Earlier this year we were asked by a partner congregation in Mexico if Psalm 67 would be able to work with them in a evangelistic effort this May. Our missions board made this a matter of prayer and gave a resounding "amen" to this effort and now we would like to share with you some of the details and bring you up to date.
We are looking at a group of approximately 12 individuals that will coming from the US to work alongside brothers and sisters in Mexico and co-labor in sharing the Gospel in the streets, substance abuse rehabilitation centers, centers of detention, etc. In addition to this our multinational team will work in discipling young adults that will be gathering together to work with us. We have a desire to conduct a medical clinic as well as provide a "theological libarary" for some of the above mentioned facilities. In December we found many believers in these areas and they do not have access to sound, Biblical teaching on an ongoing basis.
We would ask that you would pray with us as we are in the process of selecting the team members. We currently have more people interested in going than we have places for them to serve. This is a wonderful problem to have! We are asking The Lord for discernment in selecting those whom He would have go. Secondly, we are asking for some who cannot go to help serve as a financial partner to make it possible for others. Each team member will need to raise approximately $475.00 for their part in the mission. In addition to this we will need to help raise support for the theological library, medical clinic, and perhaps a light construction project.
We will keep you updated on here as well as through our social media accounts. Thank you, as always, for praying!
Psalm 67 Missions Network
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We are looking at a group of approximately 12 individuals that will coming from the US to work alongside brothers and sisters in Mexico and co-labor in sharing the Gospel in the streets, substance abuse rehabilitation centers, centers of detention, etc. In addition to this our multinational team will work in discipling young adults that will be gathering together to work with us. We have a desire to conduct a medical clinic as well as provide a "theological libarary" for some of the above mentioned facilities. In December we found many believers in these areas and they do not have access to sound, Biblical teaching on an ongoing basis.
We would ask that you would pray with us as we are in the process of selecting the team members. We currently have more people interested in going than we have places for them to serve. This is a wonderful problem to have! We are asking The Lord for discernment in selecting those whom He would have go. Secondly, we are asking for some who cannot go to help serve as a financial partner to make it possible for others. Each team member will need to raise approximately $475.00 for their part in the mission. In addition to this we will need to help raise support for the theological library, medical clinic, and perhaps a light construction project.
We will keep you updated on here as well as through our social media accounts. Thank you, as always, for praying!
Psalm 67 Missions Network
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Sunday, February 2, 2014
Home Schooling
Perhaps you read the title and you thought that you were going to see an article on why a family should (or shouldn't) choose to educate their children at home vs any other context. Though this is a worthy topic, I hope to introduce something similar, but a little different.
I don't really put a lot of emphasis in statistics. Oftentimes I see them misused or skewed because the right questions are not being asked. However, this morning I was looking over the following quote from the 1999 Report from Global Consultation on Evangelical Missiology. Here is what it says:
Now I admit that I have not read the whole report and I am sure that there are many other comments as to why the numbers are the way they are. But this had me thinking for a second about how we counsel others in regard to cross-cultural training for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel in a "non-English speaking" context.
First, one of the desires of Psalm 67 is to work in "non-English speaking" contexts. While one could argue the need to teach others the English language, that will not be our task. We desire all nations (and language groups) to have access to the Scriptures in their own language. We love the thought of brothers and sisters of multiple languages praising The Lord together in their own language that The Lord has given them.
Second, out of good intentions, and because we have hospitable, caring partners, we struggle with the "let's invite them here" mentality. We meet church leaders, new converts that want to be discipled and we love them, and want to "bring them home." Though we could have lots of discussion on this, here is a thought for consideration. Are there ways that already exist to "home school" these individuals? Are there ways that we can send others back to the region (and language) of these individuals that it may benefit everyone around, locally and at home? If so, how can/should we do this? Let me say that this is not the only option, but perhaps this option is not considered as much as the option to first teach a foreign language (English) to a national from another country, bring them to the US, and then train them theologically.
In a follow up post we will discuss some advice for those who are desiring to serve in a "non-English speaking" context and how you can prepare yourself for service.
Let the Nations be Glad!
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I don't really put a lot of emphasis in statistics. Oftentimes I see them misused or skewed because the right questions are not being asked. However, this morning I was looking over the following quote from the 1999 Report from Global Consultation on Evangelical Missiology. Here is what it says:
Eight out of ten nationals who come to the West to receive training never return home.
Now I admit that I have not read the whole report and I am sure that there are many other comments as to why the numbers are the way they are. But this had me thinking for a second about how we counsel others in regard to cross-cultural training for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel in a "non-English speaking" context.
First, one of the desires of Psalm 67 is to work in "non-English speaking" contexts. While one could argue the need to teach others the English language, that will not be our task. We desire all nations (and language groups) to have access to the Scriptures in their own language. We love the thought of brothers and sisters of multiple languages praising The Lord together in their own language that The Lord has given them.
Second, out of good intentions, and because we have hospitable, caring partners, we struggle with the "let's invite them here" mentality. We meet church leaders, new converts that want to be discipled and we love them, and want to "bring them home." Though we could have lots of discussion on this, here is a thought for consideration. Are there ways that already exist to "home school" these individuals? Are there ways that we can send others back to the region (and language) of these individuals that it may benefit everyone around, locally and at home? If so, how can/should we do this? Let me say that this is not the only option, but perhaps this option is not considered as much as the option to first teach a foreign language (English) to a national from another country, bring them to the US, and then train them theologically.
In a follow up post we will discuss some advice for those who are desiring to serve in a "non-English speaking" context and how you can prepare yourself for service.
Let the Nations be Glad!
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
Summer Missions Information
Though it may not feel like it outside, summer will soon be upon us and we will have yet another opportunity for you to partner with us as we work with partnering congregations in other areas. This summer presents an opportunity for many new opportunities.
Discipleship of the team member
The person being sent on the short-term mission team will be connected with the rest of the "team" for training and discipleship prior to leaving for the mission trip and will receive ongoing training during the mission trip. Normally this training includes missiological education, language, culture, and more. There is also follow up and further engagement upon the return.
Every-team member engagement
Our desire is that our teams are large enough to accomplish the goal but small enough that every member will have a part in exercising their individual gifts. Part of our application process includes finding out about the team member so that we might match the best individual to the best mission.
Summer Missions Information Meeting
This year we are going to do something a little different. We will be conducting a "Summer Missions Information Meeting" for those who have an interest in attending. Leaders from Psalm 67 will present the objectives of the plans this summer and those in attendance will have the opportunity to apply on site. There will also be information for those who would like to come because they are interested in financially and prayerfully supporting the summer mission team.
Please mark your calendar for March 15, 2014 from 3:00p - 5:00p. The location will be near St. Louis, Missouri and will be given to those who RSVP. We would like for you to stay in contact with us. If you are interested in attending this informational meeting, please let us know by e-mailing Savannah at savannah.weber@psalm67missions.net. Let her know how many will be coming and whether or not you are interested in being a "goer" or a "sender."
Let the Nations be Glad!
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Discipleship of the team member
The person being sent on the short-term mission team will be connected with the rest of the "team" for training and discipleship prior to leaving for the mission trip and will receive ongoing training during the mission trip. Normally this training includes missiological education, language, culture, and more. There is also follow up and further engagement upon the return.
Every-team member engagement
Our desire is that our teams are large enough to accomplish the goal but small enough that every member will have a part in exercising their individual gifts. Part of our application process includes finding out about the team member so that we might match the best individual to the best mission.
Summer Missions Information Meeting
This year we are going to do something a little different. We will be conducting a "Summer Missions Information Meeting" for those who have an interest in attending. Leaders from Psalm 67 will present the objectives of the plans this summer and those in attendance will have the opportunity to apply on site. There will also be information for those who would like to come because they are interested in financially and prayerfully supporting the summer mission team.
Please mark your calendar for March 15, 2014 from 3:00p - 5:00p. The location will be near St. Louis, Missouri and will be given to those who RSVP. We would like for you to stay in contact with us. If you are interested in attending this informational meeting, please let us know by e-mailing Savannah at savannah.weber@psalm67missions.net. Let her know how many will be coming and whether or not you are interested in being a "goer" or a "sender."
Let the Nations be Glad!
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Monday, January 27, 2014
Monday is for Missions
During the 2013 December mission, our team was able to share the Gospel in various locations throughout a city in Northern Mexico. Some of those locations included drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, etc. Some were shocked to find that those people in those areas lacked clothing that would keep them warm during an extraordinarily cold winter. They also found that many in these institutions were seeking The Lord.
In one specific institution it was obvious that the participates had essential food items, but lacked many of the items that you and I would consider fundamental to daily life. There was need for clothing, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, etc. Some in these facilities lacked a copy of the Scriptures which were provided to them at the visits.
All of this being said, the Pastor with whom we work will be starting a weekly Bible study for the men who are leaving the past of many different ways of being involved with drugs. Some items should not be mentioned here for safety reasons. We have been asked to ask you to pray.
Pray for this new work that will be done under the authority of a Bible-believing, New Testament Church. Pray that The Lord would supply workers in this area. Pray for the salvation of those who will hear the message. Pray that needed ongoing funds will be provided to purchase study materials, Bibles, and other needed items for this ministry.
Praise The Lord!
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In one specific institution it was obvious that the participates had essential food items, but lacked many of the items that you and I would consider fundamental to daily life. There was need for clothing, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, etc. Some in these facilities lacked a copy of the Scriptures which were provided to them at the visits.
All of this being said, the Pastor with whom we work will be starting a weekly Bible study for the men who are leaving the past of many different ways of being involved with drugs. Some items should not be mentioned here for safety reasons. We have been asked to ask you to pray.
Pray for this new work that will be done under the authority of a Bible-believing, New Testament Church. Pray that The Lord would supply workers in this area. Pray for the salvation of those who will hear the message. Pray that needed ongoing funds will be provided to purchase study materials, Bibles, and other needed items for this ministry.
Praise The Lord!
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
End of January 2014 Updates
Tonight our December 2013 missions team will be conducting our debriefing meeting. In addition to sharing food together (authentic Mexican food), there will be sharing of testimonies, praying, singing, laughing, crying, and all of that other stuff. Here at Psalm 67 we would like to thank each and every one of you who gave sacrificially and prayed for this team.
Our bi-monthly missions leadership meeting is scheduled for next month. At this meeting we will be discussing, among many other items, the plans for short-term missions in 2014, church planting efforts, and new work that has been started through the December 2013 missions team.
On March 15 will be the summer missions information meeting. This meeting is going to be designed for those interested in participating in by going as well as those interested in praying for and financially supporting those who go. We have not nailed down the location as of yet. The meeting will most likely be in the evening on that date and will last approximately two hours. More information will be available soon on www.psalm67missions.net
Let the Nations be glad in Jesus!
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Our bi-monthly missions leadership meeting is scheduled for next month. At this meeting we will be discussing, among many other items, the plans for short-term missions in 2014, church planting efforts, and new work that has been started through the December 2013 missions team.
On March 15 will be the summer missions information meeting. This meeting is going to be designed for those interested in participating in by going as well as those interested in praying for and financially supporting those who go. We have not nailed down the location as of yet. The meeting will most likely be in the evening on that date and will last approximately two hours. More information will be available soon on www.psalm67missions.net
Let the Nations be glad in Jesus!
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Saturday, January 18, 2014
Winter Mission Trip, testimony
Hello, my name is Ismael Bartolomé Julián. I am 15 years old. I am living and study in Kingsville, Texas, at the Presbyterian Pan American School, but my parents and my younger brother are living in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. I am a Mexican and I was born in Córdoba in the Veracruz state.
The purpose of writing this is to
share my testimony with the mission group “Psalm 67 Missions
Network.” I am a Pastor's son, and we received this amazing group
two years ago. That first time was when I met with this ministry,
and, most of all, Brother J. Aaron Sutton, who is an special son of
God. I also met with Rick Clausel, Russ and Anita Sanders, Craig
Kopp, Abigail Davis, Ellie Jackson, Gennie Jackson, and Sarah and
Billy Jackson. That was a wonderful time, and I learned a little bit
of English.
The second time was this last year,
2013, in December, and I met with amazing brothers and sisters:
Barbara Fudge, Julia Grayson, Mark Akins, Savannah Weber, and again
Brothers Russ, Rick and Aaron. These two groups have been a blessing
to our church, and I think, especially for me, because they have
taught me many things, like from the most common thing as how to walk
on mud, to inviting people to the church, to speaking English.
The first time, I did not know very
much English but I tried translating with my low label of English.
This second time I already knew more English, because I have had a
half year in this school, in where I am today.
Learning English has been a really
hard experience for me, because you are far away from your family and
you do not know anything about the people, the food, the nation, the
education and all of that. But thanks to God, I have been overcoming
those struggles.
This last time, I was able to
translate, but not completely. I think that I have to learn more,
this was a great blessing and experience for me.
Clearly, I can say that the hand of
God is working through each brother and sister that I met. While this
last group was in our church, we visited rehabilitation centers for
drug addicts, the Juvenile Detention Center and two dining homes for
children that does not have food for eat.
We witnessed many testimonies of how
God has changed radically the people's lives, from being a drug
addict on the streets to be a priest of the God´s Word.
All of that week was to get up at 7:30
to go bed at 11:30 and once at 1:30, paying games, talking about our
testimonies and having a great fellowship.
I am very thankful with each member of
the mission group Psalm 67. You all have taught me a lot, and I
testify that God is working strongly with each one of you. It was a
pleasure to play my violin with brother Rick, and translating for you
my appreciate “gabachos”. I hope that it will not be the last
Finally, I want to end with the key
verse of Psalm 67: “That Your Way May Be Known on Earth, Your
Saving Power Among All Nations.” Psalm 67:2
I give thanks to God for these two
experiences and for each one of your lives.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Summer Missions 2014
Having just finished a week in Mexico, we are already praying for and planning the mission opportunity that we will have this coming summer. We would like to share with you a little more about some "distinctives" when you partner with us.
Discipleship of all involved - A significant distinctive with mission work through Psalm 67 will be an intentional effort to provide ongoing discipleship prior to departure, during the time together, and also follow up. We want to lead others in thinking differently about what is commonly referred to as a "mission trip." Oftentimes the mentality behind "short-term missions" is the gathering of talented, oftentimes more economically-sound individuals to go to an area where there is a lack of both. The idea behind this is to go and do for others. This is not something we wish to accomplish.
Our team leaders desire to take others who need to be discipled and trained (which includes anyone) to work alongside those that need the same. Training is offered to all of those involved. Bible study, exhortation, prayer, singing, sharing meals, etc. all take place as a priority. We desire a fellowship between those "visiting" and those "hosting." We desire to work with those that are receiving a mission team rather than working "for them." There is a significant difference here.
All of that being said, we are looking for individuals that will be a part of this US based mission team along the border. We are looking for those whom God is calling to grow in a week or so of discipleship. This week of discipleship will allow you to serve as the student as well as leading out in different areas using some of your own gifts and talents to bless others. Would you make this a matter of prayer? We are looking for a team of about 7-8 people and we will be posting more information later this month and throughout the month of February.
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Discipleship of all involved - A significant distinctive with mission work through Psalm 67 will be an intentional effort to provide ongoing discipleship prior to departure, during the time together, and also follow up. We want to lead others in thinking differently about what is commonly referred to as a "mission trip." Oftentimes the mentality behind "short-term missions" is the gathering of talented, oftentimes more economically-sound individuals to go to an area where there is a lack of both. The idea behind this is to go and do for others. This is not something we wish to accomplish.
Our team leaders desire to take others who need to be discipled and trained (which includes anyone) to work alongside those that need the same. Training is offered to all of those involved. Bible study, exhortation, prayer, singing, sharing meals, etc. all take place as a priority. We desire a fellowship between those "visiting" and those "hosting." We desire to work with those that are receiving a mission team rather than working "for them." There is a significant difference here.
All of that being said, we are looking for individuals that will be a part of this US based mission team along the border. We are looking for those whom God is calling to grow in a week or so of discipleship. This week of discipleship will allow you to serve as the student as well as leading out in different areas using some of your own gifts and talents to bless others. Would you make this a matter of prayer? We are looking for a team of about 7-8 people and we will be posting more information later this month and throughout the month of February.
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Let the Nations Be Glad!
be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us
that Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all
Psalm 67: 1-2
Psalm 67 is
about missions! It’s a cry for God to bless us. But unlike so
many who cry today for God’s blessing, the Psalmist is not thinking
only of himself. He has a much greater goal in mind. He prays that
God would bless us and be with us so that through
us the nations might hear and know and worship God as He deserves to
be known and worshiped!
As I think about that, I
realize that this has always the motive behind God’s blessing. God
does not bless his people so we can hoard that blessing to ourselves.
He blesses us so that we might be a link in the chain of events He
intends to use to bring a blessing to others – and especially to
bless them with the Gospel of Christ.
What was it
He said to Abraham when he called him to leave all and follow Him by
faith? He said, “I
will bless you and you will be a blessing and all nations on earth
will be blessed through you!”
(Gen 12:3) Think about that. God doesn’t bless us so that we can
look in the mirror and say,
“Gee, isn’t it great to be blessed?”
God blesses us so that other nations and people we’ve never met
may be blessed through us! And how will they be blessed? By hearing
and responding to the Gospel of Christ that we preach and bring to
them as we send and go as missionaries into the world!
That’s why
I like to say that Psalm 67, in addition to being one of my own
personal favorite Psalms, is at heart a missionary Psalm! It is a
call for us as Christians to realize that everything God is doing in
our lives today and every day, all His rich blessings of grace, all
the advantages he has let us enjoy as “wealthy” Americans is for
one great purpose: to make His glory known and to enable us to carry
the news of His glory (the Gospel!) to the ends of the earth so
the peoples”
and “all
the nations” everywhere
may hear and be glad in Him!
So let the nations be glad!
God blesses us, so that all
the ends of the earth might fear (and worship) Him! (Psa 67:7)
Pastor S Scott Lee
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Report from Christmas Break
It is not possible to really describe exactly how much The Lord blessed us over Christmas break. We would like to thank everyone who prayed, gave, and worked together over the past couple of weeks! To start off we would like to provide the following information to you.
During this past week we conducted a medical clinic and saw approximately 40 people total. We prayed with individuals, shared the Gospel with them, handed out literature all while looking after their physical ailments. We saw a response from the community as some came back to give testimony later that night how The Lord had blessed them. We also preached the Gospel in rehabilitation centers and a Juvenile Detention Center. We heard testimony from former cartel executioners of how they came to faith in Christ and how they repent of their past and desire now to walk with Christ. We saw several people make public professions of faith in Christ. Several believed that The Lord had called them to preach and so we provided theological resources to them and prayed with them. We conducted a small VBS and children memorized many memory verses. It was truly a blessed time!
These details only capture a small glimpse of the total scope of the mission work. Please visit the website again that we might share the testimony of our team members.
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During this past week we conducted a medical clinic and saw approximately 40 people total. We prayed with individuals, shared the Gospel with them, handed out literature all while looking after their physical ailments. We saw a response from the community as some came back to give testimony later that night how The Lord had blessed them. We also preached the Gospel in rehabilitation centers and a Juvenile Detention Center. We heard testimony from former cartel executioners of how they came to faith in Christ and how they repent of their past and desire now to walk with Christ. We saw several people make public professions of faith in Christ. Several believed that The Lord had called them to preach and so we provided theological resources to them and prayed with them. We conducted a small VBS and children memorized many memory verses. It was truly a blessed time!
These details only capture a small glimpse of the total scope of the mission work. Please visit the website again that we might share the testimony of our team members.
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