During our mission team meeting last weekend, we discussed the theme of the work to which we believe The Lord is calling us. Translated into English the theme would be "Rejoice" or "Be Glad" Tamaulipas! You might be asking, what does this mean?
You may or may not know that Mexico is a country made up of 31 states and one "Federal District." Tamaulipas is the northeastern-most state bordering a portion of the state of Texas of the USA. You may also be familiar with the fact that the state of Tamaulipas has been terrorized in the past years with countless acts of violence from wars between drug trafficking organizations attempting to export their products to the largest consumer of drugs in the world, the United States of America.
In the past our groups have visited, taught, and labored with people in remote areas in this beautiful state. We have seen their suffering and we have seen the terror on their faces and some of our teams have had first-hand experience with some of the terror. In one area we specifically remembered people from a small village telling group members that they were so thankful when we were with them because our message brought hope for them, their families, and their children.
"Alegrate Tamaulipas" or "Rejoice Tamaulipas" is what we are calling our work this coming Christmas break. This expression is taken directly from the scripture found in Psalm 67:4 which says "Let the nations be glad and sing for joy!" During our meeting we discussed a couple of thoughts concerning this theme.
Unlike the popular thought of the world today which says "don't worry be happy" or "just wait and things will turn out alright" we say, Rejoice The Lord is King! The world offers you and I "well wishes of good feelings" but we proclaim to the world that Christ reigns and because of this, lift up your faces and rejoice! You see, we desire to invite people to delight themselves in the person of Jesus Christ, because He is worth it!
We desire to proclaim good news to those who suffering and hurting. We will experience times with those who live in a greater state of poverty, and we pray for them. We do not desire to export American culture or luxury. We desire to bring to them what is stronger than the peso, the American dollar, or the Euro. We desire to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that all peoples might be glad and sing for joy!
We thank you all for partnering with us that the Nations be glad and sing for joy!
Psalm 67 Missions Network
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