About Psalm 67 Missions Network

Psalm 67 Missions Network was formed in 2008 through a partnership of congregations working together in short-term mission endeavors. We viewed these endeavors as opportunities for us to make disciples in other areas by working with others who desired to serve and themselves be discipled. Since that point we have lead multiple short-term mission trips, conducted Pastor/Leader training, facilitated opportunities for missionary interns, and more. We seek to accomplish these tasks with a clear understanding of the inerrancy of the Scripture and a view that the Scripture alone is what God has given us by which we may know how to glorify and enjoy Him forever! We are solidly committed to teaching and preaching that calls all people to repentance and faith in Christ alone.

Psalm 67 Missions Network is finds it's "home base" as Rockport Baptist Church located near St. Louis, Missouri. Members of Rockport Baptist Church currently serve on the Psalm 67 board of directors. They, along with other ministry partners seek to provide guidance and oversight. We are currently in the process of reshaping our board of directors to include others from partnering congregations.

Mission Statement

By God's mercy and blessing on His people, Psalm 67 Missions Network seeks to assist the church in making Christ known among the nations by making disciples in word and in deed to the praise and glory of His grace.

Psalm 67 Missions Network specifically seeks to fulfill this mission in three large areas:


Pastor/Leadership Training – PS67MN partners with experienced Pastors and other leaders to join you on site to provide theological training in a variety of areas.

Internships – Our interns are partnered with a mentor and are given assignments that include coursework as well as gaining practical experience on the field. Internships are scheduled for a term established by need and availability of a mentor/host location.


PS67MN forms ongoing relationships with congregations and missionaries in the field for the purpose of accountability, encouragement, and instruction.

Scholarship Program – We desire to partner with (non English-speaking) church leaders to provide scholarships to approved institutions for theological education.

Resource Sharing Program – We seek to locate and obtain biblical resources for partners in non English-speaking areas.


Short-term (1 week to 6 months) – Individuals and specialized groups are partnered together for work under the authority of a local congregation or missionary. Our short-term programs are unique in the sense that we view them as a “missionary experience” and use these times for the purpose of discipleship for the person being sent as well as for those whom we are serving at the host site.

Long-term (greater than 6 months) – In the future, PS67MN will seek to partner with other congregation to send out the Gospel through trained and approved long-term missionaries.

How can you be involved?
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and Google+. Receive updates on our blog: www.ps67missionsnetwork.blogspot.com

Could you or your congregation support us by committing to praying? Could you read our prayer updates and make this a priority?

Consider whether or not you would be willing to partner with us for a future short-term mission.

Could you, your congregation, Sunday School class, or small group, consider becoming a monthly financial partner? Could you contribute to a particular mission or program (scholarship for a Pastor)?

A member of the Psalm 67 Missions Network team would love to come speak with your congregation on the topic of missions. Please feel free to contact us at office@psalm67missions.net or by calling 636.224.8811.